Friday, May 2, 2008


charlieeee. charliiee!! i love charlie. not somerealcharlie. but charlie the unicorn. check it on youtube.
vappu was coolio. i saw the misfits!! wihiiii! like no one whos gonna read this knows misfits but whatever. shame on you. SHUUUN!
but you know what. PINEAPPLE!
yey. we went and took pics with nori today. it was so way coolio that you wont believe it. like coolio. but then it was really warm which was coolio, but cos its warm its like warmio or hottio. i like making up new words. its funnio. what if i start to say all adjectives like that. happyo. coolio. prettyo. gaylio. wohoo. lameassgaylio. thats waaaay too coolio for me. ahh. what am i saying?! nothing, i mean nothing, is too coolio for me. i mean. im like the cooliouest person alive. right? yey. you agree. coolio.
im gonna put a pic here. haha. you have to look at it. yey. whatever. lameassgay.


bambi said...


bambi said...


muhku said...

lameassgay comments norilla <3<3 luv ya