Wednesday, March 12, 2008


damndamndamn. im soooooo sick and tired of school! why cant it be summer already?! i wonder if theres a way to make summer come faster.. like maybe if we all refuse to eat (or something), then summer will know it has to come NOW before we all starve to death. sounds like fun, doesnt it? :P though i think summer will come if i eat and you guys starve. cos i REALLY like eating, you know.. so how about we make a deal: you starve, i eat, summer comes.
does someone know a way to make evil geography teachers disappear? cos mines really evil. and i suck at geography. i barely know where sweden is.. (im really not THAT stupid, but almost).
gosh. this is boring. i mean, ive passed boring. this is even worse. like boringdomness. or themostboringthingiveeverseenanywherefuckfuckfuck. or.. i dunno. whats the word for something thats more boring than boring?
ok. now im just boring myself. and i guess im boring you too. if youre still reading. and if you are. im sorry. and why the hell havent you stopped yet?!?
well.. whatever. youve gotta stop reading now, cos you know what im gonna do..
haha. suckers. you cant read if i dont write.
see you in hell. :)

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